Session 2019

Session 2019

The Academy of European Public Law has been at the forefront of European public law teaching for over twenty years.
As the educational flagship of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO), the Academy enjoys a reputation as the primary destination for scholarship in public law within Europe’s dynamic setting.

The 2019 Curriculum

This summer’s study session will take place from August 26 to September 14, 2019.

  •  First session Week I Dates: 26-30 August, 2019
    Professor Elaine Mak (University of Utrech): “Judiciaries in contemporary European societies: a discussion of constitutional law in context”

This course aims to engage students in an in-depth contextual study and discussion regarding current challenges for the functioning of judiciaries in European states in accordance with the rule-of-law principle. The course literature and lectures provide knowledge on specific challenges and applicable legal rules as well as (constitutional-)theoretical frameworks which enable a critical reflection. Students are encouraged to share knowledge and ideas regarding the functioning of the judiciary in their home country or other countries that they are familiar with. We will engage in a joint critical reflection aimed at a better understanding and the design of proposals for the possible improvement of judicial systems in Europe.

The course consists of general lectures and debate on challenges for judiciaries in Europe combined with presentations and discussion regarding specific countries. On day 1, we will map key concepts and questions relating to the course theme. On days 2, 3, and 4, we will address contemporary challenges relating to three levels of judicial functioning and corresponding aspects of judicial independence: 1) the institutional level (constitutional independence in the balance of powers); 2) the organisational level (hierarchy vs. autonomy in judicial self-governance); 3) the individual level (judicial impartiality and professional ethics). Discussed examples include inter alia the rule-of-law crises in Poland and Hungary, the role of councils for the judiciary based on the Northern and Southern European models, and the content and effects of ethical codes for judges. On the last course day, we will address the possibility of further alignment of the norms and practices regarding judicial functioning in Europe, expressed in the notion of a shared ‘European judicial culture’.

At the completion of this course, students should be better able to:

1. Identify and understand the challenges for national judiciaries in European states in the contemporary legal and societal context;

2. Critically reflect on the functioning of national judiciaries in European states on the basis of insights from legal theory and (comparative) constitutional law;

3. Present their ideas regarding the course theme in a well-argued and structured manner, both orally and in writing.

  • Second session Week II Dates: 3-9 September, 2019
    Professor Rui Lanceiro (Faculdate de Direito, University of Lisbon): “The administrative implementation of EU law by the Member States”.

The main objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive insight of the administrative implementation of EU law by the Member States, its justification, legal regime, and the problems that are associated with it.

The course will focus on the theoretical framework the administrative implementation of EU law by the Member States, as well as on the tools and mechanisms available to enforce it and to control compliance with it. The course will also focus on the problems related with this duty, namely concerning the protection of fundamental right such as the right to judicial review of administrative action. Other subjects related with its main topic will be addressed, such as the “Europeanization” of national administrative law, the principle of sincere cooperation, and the principles of institutional and procedural autonomy of the Member States.

By the end of the Course, participants will be able to:

1. Identify the several ways in which EU law is implemented, either by its own administration, the administrations of the Member States, or by their joint action;

2. Recognize the importance of the administration of the Member States to the administrative implementation of EU Law;

3. Discuss advanced legal questions related with the “Europeanization” of national administrative law, the principle of sincere cooperation, and the principles of institutional and procedural autonomy of the Member States.

4. Identify problems associated with the current model of administrative implementation of EU Law and present possible solutions.


To be announced

  • Participation in the Annual Reunion of the European Group of Public Law
    Dates: Week III (September 13 – 14)


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